• What is your hurry, girl?

    For like four days in a row I felt like there was a HUGE sign on the front of my car that said, “Please pull out in front of me!  Yes, you!  Oh, and take your time getting up to the speed limit.  I’m good.”     I am sure no one else struggles with this,…

  • He sees us.

    I experienced postpartum depression after the births of my two sons.  It was quite understandable with Stephen.  We were moving to San Antonio (from Little Rock, Arkansas) a week after his birth and the only folks I knew in Texas were my husband and two sons!   After Sara’s birth, the depression was much worse, but…

  • Words…Lots of Words!

    I believe most women are born with an inordinate amount of words just waiting to come out.  Some more than others.  Some who do not hesitate to let those words come flying out…without thinking through how those words will sound.  I would be one of those someones. Two years ago, I felt a very strong…

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“What do we know?”

Paul and I stood looking at each other one day in the fall of 2016, asking this question.  We had reached the end of our own understanding, resources and really ourselves.  It felt like our lives had been turned completely upside-down…and they had. That thing that seems to only happen to other families had happened to us.  Can you relate?     I am certain that you can or that you will be able to at some point in your life.  No one lives long enough on this planet without tragedy, pain, heartache, and evil things happening to you or to someone you love.

This is what we know…

God loves us.  He sees us.  He loves our children more than we do.  He’s got this.  He is going to see us through this.

A few weeks later, I pulled out a yellow-lined note pad and wrote the words “This I Know” at the top of the first page.  The first entry was, God is for me.  Deuteronomy 31:8 records Moses’ words to Joshua and all of Israel.  “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.  He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”   This I know, God is for me.

Two years later, there are still so many things that I Do. Not. Understand.  What a painful path this has been.  He has faithfully, patiently taught me to better LISTEN, WAIT and KNOW that He is God.  I do not have to know all the answers, because He does.  He sees the past, present and future…all at the same time.    Learning to be okay with that gives me great freedom and much needed peace.

Do I have it all figured out now?  Not a chance.  Nope.

 But, This I Know…He is for us.

Cheryl Williams

This I Know Author