Do not miss the Star…

I love how every single time I read God’s Word there is something fresh and new.  Every. single. time! What other book on the planet does that?  Right?  This month I have been reading the story of Jesus’ birth.  From the Old Testament  scriptures that point to His coming, to Joseph and Mary’s encounter with the angel Gabriel, the trip to Bethlehem, the Shepherds and the visit of the Wise Men.   It is THE STORY that never gets old!  

There is no certainty as to how much time had passed before the “Wise Men” (most likely Astrologers, called Magi) arrived on the scene.  Most Bible scholars believe it was around two years.  The Magi were most likely from Persia or Babylonia and definitely not worshipers of Jehovah.  God, in His AMAZING plan, led some very pagan Gentiles from another country to bring gifts that would sustain this little family for years!  So much I could say here…but on to the star.

In Matthew 2, King Herod becomes “deeply disturbed” when the Magi said, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?  We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”   If you know anything about King Herod, “deeply disturbed” only begins to describe this madman!  

Side note:  This past spring, Paul and I were able to travel with a group from our church family to Israel.  While there, I learned MORE than I ever wanted to know about King Herod.  Seriously, Herod was one of the most evil rulers in history.  HOWEVER, I also learned how God used this evil man to accomplish His purposes…in ways I had never realized before.  Only God.

“He (King Herod) called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?” “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they said, “for this is what the prophet wrote:  ‘And you, O Bethlehem…a ruler will come from you…’”  Matthew 2:4-6

The Star led the Magi there.  It was such a phenomenon astrologically, that they dedicated years to find it’s landing place.  The Jewish priests and teachers heard about the Star from the Magi and King Herod and even quoted scripture from Micah 5 about Bethlehem, but they did not SEE the Star.  That is the last we hear about the religious leaders in this story.  So sad.  They did not rush off to Bethlehem.  They did not question the Magi about what they had seen.  They went back to doing their “religious” things, their priestly duties.  They missed one of the MOST important events in the history of the world.        THEY MISSED THE STAR.


Our Father gently says, Do not miss the STAR.    JESUS.   The Star of Bethlehem.  Our Living Hope.  The King of Kings.  The Prince of Peace.  

 He also implores us not to miss the “stars” He places in our paths each day.

What are the stars that I might be overlooking?  A friend that needs a phone call of encouragement?  A family that needs a meal?  A grocery cashier that needs a smile and a thank you for their service?  A neighbor that needs their yard raked?   Widows, Orphans, Prisoners, Poor, Aliens? (see Psalm 146:5-9 and James 1:27)   A loved one that desperately needs prayers of intercession? 

What is keeping me from “seeing” the stars in my path?  Busyness of life?  Doing religious things?  My own pride and selfishness?  Apathy toward others? 

As the seasonal expectations of the holiday begin to press in, may we be in a spirit of worship and prayer. It is so not about presents, decorations or even about religion. It is about Jesus. Period. 

Oh Father…Do not let me miss THE STAR!

13 responses to “Do not miss the Star…”

  1. September Avatar

    Thanks for reminding me that the ordinary can become ordinary but we should see them as stars. 💕

  2. Rita White Avatar

    I’m late reading this but glad I did! Thank you for the reminder that ordinary everyday things done in love are how we can be a reflection of Jesus – the Most important star of all.

  3. Becky Clark Avatar
    Becky Clark

    Just FYI, a ponderer cannot read this post in 2 minutes, but I’m ok with that. : )
    I had not thought about how the religious leaders, for whatever reason, missed the opportunity of a lifetime! How often have the ordinary affairs of life caused me to miss the miraculous? Thank you for this reminder to always watch for God at work and be ready to join Him in His work.
    P.S. Tell us more about Herod.

  4. Helen DuBose Avatar
    Helen DuBose

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing what the Holy Spirit have to you through the Word!

  5. Nancy Puddephatt Avatar
    Nancy Puddephatt

    A truly anointed devotion!

  6. LaTanya Bennett Avatar
    LaTanya Bennett

    Thank you for sharing. Now I will always look for the ‘star.’ Great read.

  7. mercy danyuku Avatar
    mercy danyuku

    Your Comment Here…wow…God is really awesome..let’s all not miss the star.Its a privilege to see a star this season again.mama

  8. Holly Avatar

    Thank you for this Reminder Cheryl. It truly is about “The Star.” Merry Christmas and love you!

  9. Janice M. Corkern Avatar
    Janice M. Corkern

    So very beautiful and so true!
    Merry Christmas dear one .
    Love you

  10. Susan Avatar

    You are one wise and teachable girl. Love this. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Lynette Avatar

    Thank you for my lovely Christmas card. It meant a lot. Love this word. Cherish your friendship of old! Merry Christmas to the Williams family. Much love from Kevin and Lynette

  12. Tanya Craft Avatar
    Tanya Craft

    The most wonderful thing I’ve read in a long time!

  13. Nancy Leonhardt Avatar
    Nancy Leonhardt

    Thank you Cheryl for the reminder to look for the stars that I may be ignoring or overlooking. Merry Christmas and love to you and the rest of the Williams’ family. Love you all!

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