What is your hurry, girl?

For like four days in a row I felt like there was a HUGE sign on the front of my car that said, “Please pull out in front of me!  Yes, you!  Oh, and take your time getting up to the speed limit.  I’m good.”    

I am sure no one else struggles with this, but something takes over me when I get into a vehicle to drive.  I (try to) blame that on my sweet Mama.  She loved to drive fast, and she taught me how to drive.  She used to say she wanted to be the first female race car driver at the Indy 500.  She was a safe driver (still is) just a fast one!  You should see her in her cute little Honda Fit!  I am a safe driver also, despite all those other (crazy) drivers getting in my way on the road.  At least drive the speed limit people!  Seriously?

On around the third day this happened, I said “Okay Lord, there are no coincidences in my life.  You are in control. What’s up?”

I felt Him gently, patiently say to me, “Cheryl, what is your hurry girl?  Perhaps your impatience with Every. Driver. On. The. Road. is something we need to work on?” 

To be clear, this is something my Abba and I have discussed before.  Many discussions.  Many times before. 

Why is it that some lessons take so long to learn?  Why am I so impatient with others for no good reason?  Why do I continue to do and say things that I do not WANT to do or say?  Not just while driving either.  Yikes!

“For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.”  Romans 7:19 (NIV)

This I Know…

He Is Patient.  So very patient!  More so than I am with myself or anyone else.

“The Lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love…” Numbers 14:18 (NLT). 

Some form of these words are repeated at least 8 times in the Old Testament.  Slow.To.Anger.  Patient.  Oh how grateful I am for this aspect of God’s character.  He is JUST, HOLY and RIGHTEOUS and yet He has such patience with us humans He created in His image.   

Just like God sending those gentle reminders (slow drivers), He patiently works on my rough edges.  It is not up to me to “do good” or “be good”.  I simply cannot do it…not without His help!  He will continue to work on me, teach me, make me more like Jesus.  There is much work to do, but He is so patient!  

See you on the road!

4 responses to “What is your hurry, girl?”

  1. Jan Avatar

    Love this – as I am always flying by the seat of my pants!

    1. Cheryl Avatar

      Love you Jan!

  2. Kelly Baldwin Avatar
    Kelly Baldwin

    Great message, Cheryl! So glad I found your blog!

    1. Cheryl Avatar

      Thank you Kelly! I am glad you did too. Love you dear friend!

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